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SPaCE Ace©:


Dedicated person to person coaching sessions for high potentials in the organization with a focus on (sales) leadership, people development and how to provide feedback.

Impact: SPaCEs Ace© is a module for identified sales leaders within an organization, which enables participants to create a culture of learning and empowerment. The program focuses on the development of the participant`s delegation, process implementation, and coaching skill. As a result, the entire organization becomes more dynamic, inspired by the expectations and standards set by their sales leaders. 
SPaCE Ace© therefore alters how things are executed within the organization and firmly anchors processes in the organization as part of the company DNA. As a consequence, behavioral patterns of the organization change in line with leadership and priorities provided.


The moment the need for processes is replaced by a uniform company culture, which is shared by all employees, in most cases companies reach a state of sustainable excellence!

Methodology: Participation in customer visits and sales meetings with structured, relevant, and practical feedback for participant by coach. Creation of a personal development plan.

KPIs: Improved leadership qualities of management which can be reflected through methods like 270- or 360- degree feedback. Indirectly the organization itself will benefit by being more engaged, motivated, and responsible for own actions.

None of the programs we offer are standardized or licensed. Every program is highly customized. Tools and processes that have proven highly effective are transferred and anchored in your organization. The strength and unique approach of SPaCE Japan is not to simply advise and consult, rather we partner up with you and are right by your side during the implementation process.

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